FIZIKA A 2 (1993) 1, 35-42 LETTER TO THE EDITOREFFECT OF AGING ON SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SELENIUM THIN FILMSZIENAB S. EL MANDOUH Received 26 May 1992Original scientific paperThin films of selenium were prepared by vacuum evaporation. The crystallization of the films is dependent upon temperature and time of aging. The consequence of crystallization is investigated by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. I.R. and U.V. spectra are elucidated. The optical gap energies calculated for different allotropes of selenium are: 1.65eV for black Se, 1.8eV for monoclinic and 2.05eV for amorphous Se. The change of resistivity with temperature is examined for monoclinic and black Se. UDC 538.975
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