FIZIKA A 6 (1997) 4, 161-170
LASER INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF Li2 A 1Su+ STATETICIJANA BAN, HRVOJE SKENDEROVIĆ, BOJAN RESAN and GORAN PICHLER Institute of Physics, P.O.Box 304, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia Received 10 December 1997By using several continuous wave (CW) single longitudinal-mode semiconductor laser diodes in the red spectral region, we have excited Li2 molecule from the X 1Sg+ state to the A 1Su+ state (transitions: (v˘˘ = 0, J˘˘ = 19)® (v˘ = 4, J˘ = 18); (v˘˘ = 1, J˘˘ = 9) ® (v˘ = 5, J˘ = 10); (v˘˘ = 2, J˘˘ = 9) ® (v˘ = 10, J˘ = 10)) and observed the fluorescence of the resonance A ® X lines together with collision-induced lines. Comparison with theoretical simulations shows a very good agreement. The use of two or three diode lasers is discussed in view of two- or three-step excitation of Li2 molecule to the higher Rydberg or ionized molecular states. UDC 539.19
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