FIZIKA A 8 (1999) 2 , 75-82 LATTICE VIBRATION ASPECT OF SOME METALLURGICAL PROPERTIES OF CUBIC CRYSTALSMUHAMMAD ZAKRIA BUTT and UM UL KALSOOM Metal Research Laboratories, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 1072, Received 28 August 1999; Accepted 11 October 1999The Debye-Waller thermal parameter B is a measure of the mean-square amplitude of atomic vibrations áu2ñ. For monoatomic cubic crystals in which the vibrations are isotropic, B = 8páu2ñ/3. In this study, it is observed that various metallurgical properties, e.g., ultimate tensile strength, creep-onset temperature, recrystallisation temperature, activation energy for grain boundary self-diffusion, solubility limit, etc. of cubic elements are a unique function of their B-factors. The power regression formula Y = Y0(B/B0)M depicts the correlation between a metallurgical property Y and the Debye-Waller thermal parameter B. The regression coefficient Y0 and regression power M are determined by the least-squares method, while B0 is a constant which makes the equation dimensionally homogeneous. PACS numbers: 64.75.+ g, 81.10.Jt, 81.40.Lm
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