FIZIKA B 7 (1998) 2, 87-104 SPECTROSCOPY OF 125Te WITH (n,g), (d,p) AND (3He,a) REACTIONSJAROSLAV HONZÁTKOa, IVO TOMANDLa,VALERIE BONDARENKOb,1 JÜRGEN OTTb, TILL von EGIDYb, WERNER SCHAUERb, CHRISTIAN DOLLb, HANS-FRIEDRICH WIRTHb, ASTRID GOLLWITZERc, GERHARD GRAWc, RALF HERTENBERGERc and BERNHARD VALNIONc aNuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 Øež, Czech Republic Received 2 December 1998; revised manuscript received 18 May 1998; Accepted 24 June 1998Single g-ray spectra and gg-coincidences, following thermal neutron capture in 124Te, were measured with semiconductor detectors at the light-water reactor LWR - 15 at Øež. Intensities of g transitions in 125Te were normalized using the absolute intensity of 7.8% of the 6620 keV line in 36Cl. The high resolution (d,p) measurements were performed with 17 MeV deuterons, using the Q3D spectrograph at two scattering angles of 15° and 30°. Spectra were recorded in the range up to 3.3 MeV and calibrated using the proton peaks with l =1, and the corresponding level energies were determined in the thermal neutron capture reaction. The (3He,a) experiment was carried out with a 32 MeV He beam at the angle of 10°. The spectrum was recorded in one run by means of a large detector in a range up to approximately 4.7 MeV. The absolute intensities were determined by measuring the total beam current. PACS numbers: 21.10.-k, 27.60.+j
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