FIZIKA B 8 (1999) 2, 395-400 LETTER TO THE EDITOR LONG VS. SHORT DISTANCE DISPERSIVE TWO-PHOTON K L®m+ m- AMPLITUDEJAN O. EEGa, KREŠIMIR KUMERIČKIb and IVICA PICEKb aDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway Received 21 January 1999; Accepted 7 June 1999We report on the calculation of the two-loop electroweak, two-photon mediated short-distance dispersive KL®m+m- decay amplitude. QCD corrections change the sign of this contribution and reduce it by an order of magnitude. The resulting amplitude enables us to provide a constraint on the otherwise uncertain long-distance dispersive amplitude. PACS numbers: 12.15.-y, 12.39.Fe
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