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Welcome to the Pages of Fizika A & B (Zagreb)

We hope you will find the articles published in Fizika A & B (Zagreb) interesting and worth reading. We are striving at publishing interesting and important results of research work in all branches of physics. The basic conditions for the acceptance of a manuscript for publication is that it presents new and original results. The quality of the journals is assured by the international peer-reviews of all published articles.

Home pages of Fizika A & B (Zagreb) have been established in the spring of 1993. At first, only the titles, bylines and abstracts were placed on the home pages, beginning with volumes 1 (1992) of Fizika A and Fizika B. The presentation of the journals has been extended in the spring of 1998 when complete articles (including figures, photographs and tables) were included, beginning with volumes 6 (1997). They have been regularly updated since. The complete articles are presented in the PostScript (.ps) and in the Portable Documents Format (.pdf).

The copyright owner of the journals is the Croatian Physical Society. Reproduction and/or redistribution for sale of any printed matter, or of files from Fizika A & B CD-ROM or our home pages (in machine-readable form or any other form) is prohibited unless a permission is granted by the Croatian Physical Society (contact the Editor).

Separate articles may be downloaded and printed for personal use, in research and in teaching. Permission is granted to quote from the journals with the customary acknowledgement of the source.

Correspondence and/or calls from authors, subscribers and other regarding instructions for the preparation of manuscripts, status, proofs, orders, subscriptions, enquiries, etc., should be addressed to:

The Editor, Fizika A & B, Bijenička 32, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, or
tel.: +385-1-4680055, fax.: +385-1-4680366, e-mail: ilakovac@phy.hr

Copyright by The Croatian Physical Society
For problems or questions please contact fizika@fizika.hfd.hr