FIZIKA A Volume 17 - 2008.
Contents, FIZIKA A, Volume 17 (2008)
No 1.
T. Iveziæ:
Lorentz and "apparent" transformations of the electric and magnetic fields
A. M. Abou El Soud, B. S. Farag, I. S. Ahmed Farag, S. A. Gad and H. A. Zayed:
Crystal structure and optical properties of quaternary systems of Bi-Sb-Te-Se
Chengshi Liu:
Action principle for a kind of mechanical system with friction force
L. Settaouti and A. Settaouti:
Monte Carlo simulation of radio frequency plasmas in O2
C. Hunte:
The Jones-Mueller Transformation
No 2.
S. Harir, M. Bennai and Y. Boughaleb:
Ground state energy of 2D extended Hubbard model for finite size system with an exact diagonalization
Kh. H. El-Shorbagy:
Impurity of dust-acoustic plasma instability due to trapped ions
R. A. El-Nabulsi:
Subdiffusion over fractional quantum paths without fractional derivative
R. Ghazy:
Suitable solvent of a new copolymer as a pre-investigation of its static laser scattering
No 3.
A. M. Vora:
Lattice dynamics of equiatomic binary alloys
A. Biswas and E. Zerrad:
Soliton perturbation theory for the Kawahara equation
Z. Shaqiri, D. Angelov, E. Vidolova-Angelova:
Measurement of the intersystem crossing yield of s4U within tRNA by time-resolved absorption bleaching
S. K. Srivastava and A. Badahur:
Surface plasmon satellites in core-level X-ray photoemission spectra of late transition-metal compounds
No 4.
Z. Zhang:
New exact solutions to the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation
C. Hunte:
A theoretical investigation of light scattering in chiral nematic liquid crystals
Mohanned J. Al-anber, Zainab S. Abdalla and Afrodet A. Salih:
Theoretical ab initio study of the electric field effects on the structure and stability of G:C base pair
S. N. Tiwary, R. Kumar and R. P. K. Ray:
Electron impact excitation of autoionizing level in Na
R. Artukoviæ:
Motion of two discs joined by strings in S-type connection